Salesforce has long been into the force as the world’s number one customer relationship management (CRM) software in terms of global implementation and value. It is apparently the most used CRM and countless enterprises today employ more than one Salesforce solution to meet their customer demands in the most digitally optimized way possible.
What truly makes Salesforce CRM unique is its fully functional cloud-based application framework which allowed business organizations to efficiently handle their sales and customer interactions online. Businesses could now easily transform their legacy operations and steer through more efficient and optimized work processes leading to increased customer satisfaction and market ROI. Unlike other popular customer relationship management applications, Salesforce was never advertised for a specific type or size of enterprise.
Salesforce CRM was designed and developed to process automated sales and uplift marketing and overall customer servicing functionality within a designated enterprise without classifying its applicability on the basis of size, type and infrastructure. With Salesforce CRM, extensive digitalization and process innovation becomes more conceivable for businesses, irrespective of their size and work domain.
Customer Success Platform
Although Salesforce is often catalogued specifically in the CRM domain, the actual list of Salesforce’s business services and products has always turned out to be technically thriving and populated. Salesforce isn’t just limited to CRM business. Rather, it is endorsed as a highly customizable and flexible integration platform to serve various business related operations. It essentially sports a well-built integration suite to allow legacy databases and business solutions to be integrated within advanced Salesforce platform to empower business system to better serve the clientele and deploy highly scalable customer success initiatives. Few of Salesforce’s modern-day business solutions include:
Sales Cloud
Service Cloud
Marketing Cloud
Community Cloud
App Cloud
IoT Cloud
Salesforce Wave analytics, along with many other enterprise-grade solutions.
Benefits of Salesforce Integration: It’s more than “Just CRM solution”
Salesforce is rightfully ordained as the world’s best customer success platform with its long list of cloud solutions available to upgrade and shape up enterprise work flows. The company provides various integration suites and arrangements to help clients experience fully integrated Salesforce servicing with increased work potential and efficiency. Its variety of cloud solutions come with best in class enterprise-grade connectors to allow companies make the most of their legacy systems without having to switch to a completely new work model.
Salesforce solutions also host a myriad of APIs and integration functions to help companies access and manage their business across variety of operating environment and platforms. In addition to REST and SOAP API, salesforce solutions come packed with its proprietary Bulk API to help clients manage large data sets and query requests.
Why use Salesforce?
It improves customer engagement and servicing
Salesforce solutions are mostly custom tailored according to a client’s business, which means the platform best serves the business requirements thereby ensuring effective service orchestration and radically improved in customer engagement.
Today, when every business is customarily taking up digital transformation in order to gain competitive edge in their customer domain, having an efficiently customized business platform turns out to be a great advantage. By employing Salesforce business platforms, companies get access to numerous customer engagement channels that provide in-depth insights related to consumer behavior, market trends, product performance, etc.
Customer data segregation
With Salesforce integration platforms, users not only get to manage customer interactions but can also view customer records across a single consolidated window. This feature essentially helps reinforce data analytics and conclusion abstraction to strengthen sales and customer service activities.
Central point of view
Salesforce integration allows the users to experience a unified data access platform which can act as a single-most easily accessible source of workable data. The data is collected and stored from various integrated platforms and services. Businesses can actively deploy AI powered data analytics on this centrally managed data repository to design rich customized service plans for every individual customer.
With Salesforce, customer service is turned meticulously relevant and precise. Every customer data is profiled to help company employees derive useful conclusions and ideas for their competitive advantage. With Pratham’s modern age salesforce solutions, businesses can draw the desired level of integration competence to actuate higher customer intelligence and engagement. Visit us at to learn more about our Salesforce services and custom designed solutions.