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Challenges in Image Annotation

Fueled by advancements and breakthroughs in Computer Vision, it is now possible to visualize, detect and track anything in real-time. Enormous amounts of images are fed into deep learning architecture, which was inspired by the human brain, in order to comprehend the features of a subject. It requires a significant amount of computation to extract features from such a large collection of images and videos.

Strategic SaaS Platform Architecture for Pricing Success

Exploring how the architecture of a SaaS platform can directly influence pricing strategies and success. Understanding the Role of SaaS Platform Architecture in Pricing The architecture of a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform plays a crucial role in determining pricing strategies and ultimately, the success of the platform. The way the platform is designed… Continue reading Strategic SaaS Platform Architecture for Pricing Success

Why Technology Modernization Is The Only Way Ahead For ISVs

Today, every business is transforming into a digital business; thanks to the revolution caused by the latest technologies. Conventionally, enterprises only used to leverage the innovation abilities of ISVs to provide solutions to their clients. However, as the technological landscape is advancing, the enterprises are trying to incorporate their own innovations in their offerings.

Why containers are the fastest way to unlock cloud value?

Read this paper to understand how containers are bringing about a revolution in how IT workloads are managed and offer a faster value delivery when moving to cloud

  • Ecommerce: Business Perspective & Opportunities Ahead

    Recent Gartner reports suggest that India is the fastest growing ecommerce market in Asia-Pacific region. The Indian ecommerce market is estimated to reach $6 billion in 2015, a 70 percent increase over 2014 revenue of $3.5 billion. These figures help us understand the dynamics and opportunities in the industry. The ecommerce industry is at its peak in the Indian consumer scenario today. Ecommerce vendors are today on an expansion spree to widen their base and are investing in the platforms, logistics and marketing activities.

  • Social Media for Commercial Success; a Potent Blend

    Our virtual existence today determines our social existence. The way we update our status, whereabouts & interactions on social forums. We create our personal and social experiences to shape our online social identities. All that we share and post online represents our personality, thoughts, interest areas and worldly perceptions. Our virtual identity has a purpose behind it, whether it is to inform, entertain, acknowledge or broadcast. Does this define Social Media? Yes, I believe to some extent

  • Protecting IPR for your Business

    We all are familiar with Intellectual property rights, the legal rights assigned to any person or group for their intellect creation. The World Intellectual Property Organization reports an estimate of about 36% growth (YOY basis) in the number of IPR applications. The digital economy has shifted the focus from physical assets to intangible technology.

  • Rise of the Online Grocer

    Online grocery store? I never gave it a thought till I could find it as an option for me; rather the television commercial and my hyper-active routine told me so. Wow! It dawned upon me, how connected is the online shopping world to our lives and totally accepted the fact that the online shopping industry is flourishing and expanding at a pace beyond compare.

  • Significance of Database Testing

    Database is a valuable asset for each and every company in today’s technology world. It is crucial and acts as the backbone of any software application. Without an appropriate database, we cannot imagine the application systems to function as per user requirements.

  • Relevance of Self Service BI

    Self Service BI is a form of business intelligence wherein the end users can design reports as per analysis, play with chunk of data without knowing actual programming and SQL Queries, save and deploy the reports without any assistance of IT staff. Consequently, the power of BI lies in the hands of the business users.

  • Customer Service in the age of IoT

    Whether your customers are business enterprises or end users; focus should be to cater to your customer. A Gartner research reports that by 2020, the customers will manage 85% of their relationships with an enterprise without interacting with a human. So we have to re-think and innovate our service models. The innovative service models will be based on latest technology developments including IoT.

  • Potency of Test Automation in long run

    Companies design and develop software in order to solve the routine human issues with a potent blend of technology and human intelligence. It is very much essential that the software is tested in order to bring assurance that it works as expected. Moreover, it is that testing is efficient, quick and economical as well.

  • Software Testing & its Myths

    As I began putting across my perspective on Software Testing, I found below Quotes quite interesting and relevant to the post:
    “Software testers do not make software; they only make them better.”
    “Testers don’t break software, software is already broken.”

  • How organizations can adopt new & emerging technologies effectively?

    The technology is evolving at a fast pace, following Moore’s Law of increasing the capacity and speed of the microprocessors every two years. Today customers acknowledge and appreciate companies who stay abreast & upbeat about the latest developments. Innovation is the key growth driver for any organization, which plans to develop itself in today’s world. But they also need to consider the financial aspects i.e. the costs involved in the process.

  • Big Data for the Insurance Sector

    Insurance Sector is expected to double the total premium income in next four years. Indian life insurance market, largest in the world in terms of polices is expected to grow at a pace of 12-15% in the next five years.  This generates enormous data about the customers’ behavioural patterns and other aspects of the business. In order to expand and grab a bigger market share the insurers will be required to adopt new methodologies to understand the market dynamics. Big Data analytics can serve the industry requirements of harnessing and harvesting the data available for business decisions.

  • The Agile Implementation

    The basic principle of Scrum is to focus the team iteratively on a set of features to achieve, in fixed- length iterations of one to four weeks, called Sprints. Each Sprint* has a goal, set by the ProductOwner*, who prepares the ProductBacklog* from where features are selected to be implemented in this sprint i.e. a SprintBacklog*. A sprint always leads to the delivery of a functional partial product.