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Challenges in Image Annotation

Fueled by advancements and breakthroughs in Computer Vision, it is now possible to visualize, detect and track anything in real-time. Enormous amounts of images are fed into deep learning architecture, which was inspired by the human brain, in order to comprehend the features of a subject. It requires a significant amount of computation to extract features from such a large collection of images and videos.

Strategic SaaS Platform Architecture for Pricing Success

Exploring how the architecture of a SaaS platform can directly influence pricing strategies and success. Understanding the Role of SaaS Platform Architecture in Pricing The architecture of a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform plays a crucial role in determining pricing strategies and ultimately, the success of the platform. The way the platform is designed… Continue reading Strategic SaaS Platform Architecture for Pricing Success

Why Technology Modernization Is The Only Way Ahead For ISVs

Today, every business is transforming into a digital business; thanks to the revolution caused by the latest technologies. Conventionally, enterprises only used to leverage the innovation abilities of ISVs to provide solutions to their clients. However, as the technological landscape is advancing, the enterprises are trying to incorporate their own innovations in their offerings.

Why containers are the fastest way to unlock cloud value?

Read this paper to understand how containers are bringing about a revolution in how IT workloads are managed and offer a faster value delivery when moving to cloud

  • Your Workplace Transformation Demands Advanced Mobility

    Enterprise Mobility has come far off from its tenderfoot days. It has become a significant factor for growth, helping renowned enterprises and Tech giants to realize the most crucial aspect of success, “Productivity.” In simple terms, enterprise mobility has undoubtedly established ease of connectivity among the employees and work processes irrespective of location and device. It started as an alternative for employees to carry out their workload. However, it soon evolved into a modern-day business essential, which not only ensures a high rate of employee productivity but also allows firms to subsist across their target business areas with nearly zero downtime.

  • Why Is Enterprise Grade Analytical Prowess Important?

    The business world today is breathing a complex amalgamation of traditional and new age technological solutions, used in absolute coalesce to derive the best of market yields. The convergence of cognition, human and machine have brought off a new era of cross-functional advancement that has allowed business leaders to achieve immeasurable feats across their target realms.

  • Why Are Enterprises Keen to Invest in Agile Outsourcing?

    Agile, with all its development benefits, has transformed the team’s capability to better work efficiency and higher ROI. When combined with DevOps, agile teams can deliver faster build cycles with reduced risk of inaccuracies and held up deliveries. Because agile development promotes rapid bug-free deliveries during the entire project span, in-house development teams can rather quickly enforce newer functionalities without affecting the timeline of the project completion. It is especially very applicative in today’s hyper-converged development scenario, where customers wish to stay ahead of their league with more efficient and effective work solutions on their sides.

  • The Next Phase of Product Development Practices

    Product excellence has gained massive momentum in modern-day product development domain. Following the world trend, development firms are, therefore, trying to bring in innovative tech-driven strategies to create remarkable value-based products and services for their end-users without compromising the quality of the product. Enhanced development speed, along with quality addition, has emerged as the critical element to match up with user expectations and help enterprises maintain good market lead within this intensified competition.

  • Scope Change Management: The do’s and don’ts

    Publilius Syrus, the great Roman writer, said, ‘It’s a bad plan that admits of no modification.’ Project managers shall agree to these centuries-old words completely. Qualified development teams emphasize that it’s not possible to build a project from tip-to-toe at one go. Most roadblocks cannot be accounted for in advance. One is required to change the approach as per the requirements of the development in the project.

  • Is the Present Stack of Application Security Good Enough?

    Mobile application security has become a prime issue today, especially when the majority of businesses are investing considerable resources in making their workforce more active and productive. The trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has undoubtedly benefitted organizations by offering higher work efficiencies and employee comfort but has also brought along an inevitable downside in the form of peppy vulnerabilities that organizations need to address promptly.

  • Can Smarter BI Revolutionize your Market Rule?

    The red-line between Business Intelligence and Business Analytics has always been blurry. It’s hard to differentiate between BI and Business Analytics because they ride on a similar behavioral pattern.

  • Advancement in Predictive Analytics for Smart logistics

    We can’t foresee the future events and analyze their outcomes, but what we can do is use all of our current digital capacities to gather and analyze past-data to draw insights into the future. In data science terminology, this process is termed as predictive analytics, and it is now widely adopted in sizeable heterogeneous business networks for greater transparency.

  • Importance of Risk Mitigation Planning in Project Development

    The best optimists are those who have a contingency plan for everything that can go wrong. For this risk mitigation planning is paramount to ensure control over the project development process and its success. Risk mitigation equips project managers with the right approach, tools, and resources to face the worst of eventuality, which if not accounted, can slow down project pace.

  • AI Trends to Ease Test Automation

    Test development has been a long-standing issue in the modern software development realm. Today, when almost every development team faces the challenge of building an ideal market application with better accuracy and speed, test automation becomes more of a compulsion than just a time-saving practice. Today’s user needs are fickle and ever-changing; therefore, it makes the work taxing, especially for the test engineers.

  • Predictive Analytics For Mobility Success

    It is relatively reasonable to state that the modern business world primarily builds upon the power of data to bring desired upgrades into their work process. With the world becomes more data affluent, technological evolution would result in enhanced productivity of business data. This in return would also help decision makers to transform their work models into better production engines with data tech acting as its driving fuel.

  • Can Agile Principles Help to Improve Big Data Efficacy?

    Big Data is a vast collection of organizational data, which modern enterprises are turning into decisive insights via analytical means. Every data bit is necessary when it comes to putting big data analytics at work. This data comes from a variety of organizational sources, ranging from clickstreams, social media interactions, operational data points or functional logs. By applying analytical algorithms and automation tools, an organization can use its data goods to derive actionable insights and make informed market decisions.