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Challenges in Image Annotation

Fueled by advancements and breakthroughs in Computer Vision, it is now possible to visualize, detect and track anything in real-time. Enormous amounts of images are fed into deep learning architecture, which was inspired by the human brain, in order to comprehend the features of a subject. It requires a significant amount of computation to extract features from such a large collection of images and videos.

Strategic SaaS Platform Architecture for Pricing Success

Exploring how the architecture of a SaaS platform can directly influence pricing strategies and success. Understanding the Role of SaaS Platform Architecture in Pricing The architecture of a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform plays a crucial role in determining pricing strategies and ultimately, the success of the platform. The way the platform is designed… Continue reading Strategic SaaS Platform Architecture for Pricing Success

Why Technology Modernization Is The Only Way Ahead For ISVs

Today, every business is transforming into a digital business; thanks to the revolution caused by the latest technologies. Conventionally, enterprises only used to leverage the innovation abilities of ISVs to provide solutions to their clients. However, as the technological landscape is advancing, the enterprises are trying to incorporate their own innovations in their offerings.

Why containers are the fastest way to unlock cloud value?

Read this paper to understand how containers are bringing about a revolution in how IT workloads are managed and offer a faster value delivery when moving to cloud

  • Electronic Data Interchange: What it implies?

    In today’s fast world, electronic media is extensively used to exchanging information. Gone are the days when people used to send information or communicate through post. Now business documents are sent from one computer to another.
    EDI is a simple abbreviation for Electronic Data Interchange

  • Cookies Testing: Crucial in Web Applications

    In technology driven world, companies create profiles and other respective details in web applications, accessed through web browsers be it Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Netscape Navigator etc. The Web applications are based in different domains and respective utility for users.

  • JavaScript: Preventing Memory Leaks

    In my last article, I presented the common patterns that lead to Memory Leak in a typical JavaScript Application. This article continues the concept of Memory Leaks and unrolls the prevention techniques for each pattern.

  • User Story – Project Requirement Simplified!

    Agile Methodology shifts the focus from writing about a requirement to talking about it. Agility focusses on interaction between developers and customers on a requirement so as to arrive at an agreement which is known as User Story.

  • Android Studio: What it brings for the Android Developers

    Android Studio labelled as the fastest way to build quality apps with high performance across android platforms was introduced to the developer’s community way back in 2013 and its latest stable release has been rolled out on May 11, 2016.  Being the official IDE for Google, Android Studio assists developers to build an application be it code editor, code analysis tools and related features like emulators etc.

  • Decoding Test Automation Framework

    To design an effective automation framework which helps reduce the release cycle and accelerate market release, application-independent test automation frameworks become a necessity. Components such as function libraries, test data sources object details and various other reusable modules act as building blocks.

  • How do you reap the benefits of Cloud?

    The Cloud Computing market is maturing and there is a lot spoken about its plus and minuses in terms of business viability. While the positives are spoken largely, there is another perspective. It is generally said that when you move into a public cloud, there are performance issues caused by others being on the same public cloud, commonly referred to as “noisy neighbor” problem.

  • Customer Experience: Why Invest?

    Recent years have seen an explosion of ecommerce sites / shopping portals and a wide mix of target groups. How does a marketer target each group? Considering every portion of the demographic mix is crucial for commercial success, it is imperative to attain focus effectively. Customer experience with your product / services decides your fates.

  • JavaScript: Memory Leak Patterns

    Memory is an essential part of any application irrespective of the technology behind the scene. In particular with JavaScript it becomes more crucial as the browser handles the memory management for JavaScript application and we don’t have a full stack power of machine.

  • Mobile Device Management: Effectiveness for Organisations

    Mobile device management (MDM) refers to the administration of mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers. MDM is usually implemented by using third party application with in built features to manage mobile devices. It is being increasingly used as the number of mobile devices per knowledge worker has risen to 3.3 devices.

  • Get your business digitally transformed

    Digital transformation is happening today not only across private sector, but also rapidly rampant across public sector offices. This has been found in a recent survey of 537 Harvard Business Review readers of which 45%comprised either executives or senior managers.

  • How impactful is the future of Digital Advertising ?

    Research states that online video is coming up as a prominent advertising medium with a growth rate of 34% last year and is estimated to grow further. Key reasons are rising consumption of multimedia content on smartphones accelerated by faster connection via 4G.