Cross Platform Development, Is that the future?

In the rapidly evolving world of software development, the demand for applications that can seamlessly run on various platforms has paced up. As an experienced Mobile development team member and Application Architect at Pratham Software, I have witnessed the emergence of cross-platform development and its potential to redefine the future of software development. In this blog, I will share my experiences and insights on cross-platform development, exploring its benefits, and challenges, and whether it truly holds the key to the future of software development or is it just another temporary development wave which will vanish over time. 

The Rise of Cross-Platform Development 

I began my journey as an iOS developer in mobile development, and after some time started going through Android development and found that conceptually most of the things were similar however as a developer, crafting applications for different platforms posed significant challenges. Writing separate codebases for iOS, Android, and even on other platforms consumed valuable time and resources. However, with the advent of cross-platform development frameworks like PhoneGap (now Cordova), Xamarin, React Native and Flutter, the whole game changed. The prospect of writing code once and deploying it across multiple platforms was intriguing, and I embraced this new approach wholeheartedly. 

The Advantages 

As I delved into cross-platform development, I experienced first-hand the multitude of benefits it brings. Cost and time efficiency became evident, as we could now develop applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase and even released for web and desktop in some cases. This efficiency allowed us to deliver high-quality consistent products to our clients faster and with greater cost-effectiveness. 

Furthermore, the wider market reach of cross-platform applications opened doors to a diverse audience using various devices and operating systems. Our apps gained traction among users, leading to increased adoption rates and a broader user base. This newfound reach not only boosted the popularity of our developed apps but also brought in new business opportunities for our clients. 

This new way of innovative approach emerged as a boon for start-ups, catering to their need for a speedy release of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) on multiple platforms to reach a wider audience with limited resources. Additionally, it offers the advantage of reduced maintenance costs, especially for products that are constantly evolving and undergoing frequent changes during their initial stages. 

Yes, there are challenges! 

While cross-platform development offered numerous advantages, it came with its challenges. One prominent concern was the performance of cross-platform apps, particularly when dealing with resource-intensive tasks. We had to fine-tune our code to ensure smooth performance across different platforms. Although demanding, this challenge enabled us to grow as developers and find innovative solutions to optimize performance. 

Another hurdle we faced was the limitations of some cross-platform frameworks. Certain platform-specific features that were integral to particular applications were not fully supported by the frameworks we used. Targeting a balance between functionality and consistency across platforms required precise planning and decision-making. 

The Future Our Opinion 

Despite the challenges encountered, our experience with cross-platform development has left us optimistic about its future. The technology continues to evolve, and prominent players in the industry are actively supporting the development of cross-platform frameworks. This support signifies the growing acceptance of cross-platform development as a practical solution for software development. 

As these frameworks mature, we anticipate that performance concerns will lessen, and developers will gain access to a broader set of platform-specific features. This advancement will further establish cross-platform development as a prominent choice for businesses and developers in India and beyond. 


In conclusion, based on my experience as an application architect and developer, cross-platform development undeniably holds great promise for the future of software development. Its ability to provide cost-effective solutions, wider market reach, and a unified user experience makes it an appealing option for developers and businesses alike. 

Though challenges exist, the ongoing advancements and industry support indicate a bright future for cross-platform development. As technology progresses, cross-platform frameworks will become more robust and efficient, empowering developers to create innovative and impactful applications targeting a global audience. As a software geek, I am enthusiastic about the boundless possibilities that cross-platform development offers for the future of software development. 

Written By: Mrigraj Singh Chundawat